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Metaphysical Paradigms & Sola Scriptura

Redid the chart (see original at the bottom.) Tried to set every category up as a dichotomy so that there are only two possible options for each. Still not sure what the best formal titles for some of these are.

So first, either the material universe is all there is (Naturalism,) or there is something beyond it (Supernaturalism.) If the latter, this supernatural is either a consciousness (god) or it is not conscious (like a force – a possible example of an atheistic supernaturalism is Buddhism.) If it is a god, the cosmos is either one with god or part of god (pantheism/panentheism,) or, it is something distinct from god. If distinct, the cosmos can be of one substance (i.e. entirely physical/material,) or, it can be composed of material and immaterial parts. If the latter, the different parts can be separate from each other, like Plato’s Forms, or the immaterial could be the inner essence of the material, like with Aristotle where the two exist as one whole.

The paradigm supported by the Sola Scriptura approach described on this site is #4, which assumes the universe is of one substance but distinct from God. This paradigm has seen very little representation in philosophy and Christian theology because of the influence of both Greek and modern philosophy.

Here is the original chart:

Pr. Mike

Pastor Mike has spent much of his life trying to make sense of the confusing landscape that is Christian theology: to understand why so many conflicting and even mutually exclusive ideas can exist under the same auspices. He has come to believe that it is due to unavoidable margins of error that exist at the intersection of theology, philosophy and science, limitations that should encourage us to greater humility when it comes to the confidence we have in what we as human beings know and can know.

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